Q U I N T E S S E N T I A L .

A puzzle adventure game created for the Pirate Software Game Jam 15, with Shadows and Alchemy as the theme of the jam.

Scale the Great Tower of Quintessence and restore balance to your world before the encroaching shadows snuff out your people.

Game Design Document

Link to Our Game Design Document!


Left Mouse Button (Mouse1) - Interact with objects, change rooms, drag and drop items, etc.


  • Godot 4.2.2 is the engine used.
  • Asesprite and MSPaint were proudly used for the art.
  • OnlineSequencer.net was used to generate the music.


We are Team Ricewine!

  • Harrison "harrisonof"
  • Jacob "tubnubbin"
  • Kei "yukiidood"

Thank you for checking our our game!

Special Thanks

  • Mark J. van der Waals for his likeness as the unknown item
  • Liv for inspiring the name of the sad wet creature
  • Mia for enduring the neglect during the game jam
  • Round robin thanks to everyone that worked on the game :)


Game Design Document

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